Hey you, yes you! Did you know today is National hair day?

Did you know that in Africa a woman’s hair is considered to be her crowning glory? There are so many different beauty trends that have taken place over the years but do you know the one thing they have in common? They always involve hair!

The hair movement has spanned for years and seen many different styles from India to Europe to the US to the UK to Africa; there have been so many different hair evolutions that it would fill a lot of books. In my biased opinion, the greatest hair evolution which has survived to this day is the Afro-Hair evolution.

This evolution not only encouraged women of African descent to take pride in their natural hair but also became a movement. This evolution empowered African men and women alike and created a new era for all.

I wish I had her head of hair

Since the time when kings and emperors ruled, women have been obsessed with their hair. Cleopatra, one of (if not the greatest) Egyptian rulers washed her hair daily with donkey’s milk! In today’s world, hair is high maintenance, women are willing to spend thousands if not millions on their hair why? Because how you wear your hair makes a statement about you.

National hair day is a holiday created by NuMe a hair products company. They created this holiday for people to celebrate hair styling tools and other hair products but it has quickly evolved to the celebration of the hair itself. The holiday was first established in 2017 and has since been celebrated.

This holiday is actually a US holiday but common, who doesn’t love their hair? A person can wear the most expensive clothes and jewelry but if their hair is not done or doesn’t look nice then they might as well have walked in in rags. On the flip side, your clothes and jewelry might not be expensive but your hairdo will help you look expensive. That is the psychology we girls use to save our money and look like we broke the bank on one outfit.

How to Celebrate National Hair Day.

This is the part you were probably waiting for and I will not lie when I first heard of this holiday that I did not even know existed but don’t worry I have the answers you seek.

The first way you can celebrate National Hair Day is to try a new hairstyle. Now for anyone who is currently on braids or has a weave in, don’t take it out on my account unless you really want to. It doesn’t have to be something daring just switch it up a little.

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new

The second way is actually for all those girls with crazy long and healthy hair, I also have my eyes in African with amazingly full afros I see you girl. The second tip is to share your secret hair tips, so if you’ve been hoarding the secret to your hair growth today is the day for you to spill.

My hair growth journey has actually been amazing, my hair is not long but I am satisfied at the rate at which it is growing but I do not want to get off track. If you want me to share my hair growth journey with you please feel free to send me an email at winnershoniran93@gmail.com

Identifying your hair type will help you take better care of it!

The third way is for you to give your hair some TLC spoil yourself. Invest in that expensive shampoo you don’t want to buy but know it will do wonders for your hair, pamper yourself because if you do not no one will. Love and care are reciprocated so only when you love and care for yourself will someone do for you.

Benefits of Having Healthy Hair

1. It boosts your self-confidence
Male or female, it really doesn’t matter because everyone wants to look their best when they go out in public. No one wants to be laughed at or stared at in a bad way. They want people to look at them with envy which is why it is important to have good hair. A good head of hair can do wonders in covering the physical flaws of a person.

Take a look at that happy and confident smile

2. It prevents premature hair loss
Do you know that before I was enlightened on hair growth and started taking care of my hair I used to think it was normal for me to run a comb through my hair and find large chunks of hair on the comb? I am sure you’re like what but I kid you not I was that blank on hair care. Even if you know everything there is to know about this topic still share this content with someone who you think needs it.

If this is you, then you need to start taking better care of your hair

3. It is a reflection of one’s health
I agree with this statement a 100% of the hair grows from the scalp and the scalp is attached to the body. If you do not have good health no matter how many hair products you pack on your head it will not help! In fact, in some cases, it can even damage the roots of the hair rendering you bald.

Diet plays a huge role In not only giving you healthy hair but determining your hair texture as well. Unhealthy, dry, and frizzy hair may be a side that you need to change either your diet or your haircare routine.

A good diet and hair care routine will do wonders for your hair

This about rounds up our article, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. Our quote of the day is as follows;
“A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life – Coco Chanel”

Comment below how this quote resonates with you and if you feel comfortable sharing it, tell us what change you will be making in your life. It does not have to be something drastic, changing your shampoo and deep conditioner is considered a change as well.

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month

Remember, a woman’s hair is her crowning glory but a woman’s hair does not define who she is or her capabilities. Having no hair does not make her less of a woman or less attractive. Growing one’s hair is a choice not a necessity.

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month so please show some kindness and support because it goes a long way.


Hello, my lovelies welcome to another session of “Tea with Winner” I hope you’re all having an amazing day because I am (you see, I got stood up today but that’s a story for another time).

 As much as I feel like pulling your legs I’m not going to do that because I understand the drive to earn money and escape a 9-5 job. Trust me it’s my life goal to escape having one of those. I would like to point out right now that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it is not a business for extremely lazy people (at least in the beginning).

 This article is for all those who probably find themselves stuck in a 9-5 they want to escape; it is for all those who want a side hustle to supplement their income and for teenagers who want to get college tuition so they don’t end up with millions in college loan debt.

 Alright, now that we’re done reading the warnings and let me just say if you’re still reading to this point you’re awesome and obviously serious about earning money online.

In this day and age, any business that wants to thrive must go online.

With so many things going on around the world, and global changes that will forever impact the way people live and do business, going online is no longer just an option.

Not only to maintain their success but even just to survive.

Sure, some tools are already available that any business can use to run their entire company and processes digitally.

However, any minimum amount of research will tell you that most of these products are expensive, complicated, and limited in customization.

In other words, not very user-friendly, and definitely not suitable for all business owners, especially those who are less tech-savvy and might even be on a budget.

I mean, who can afford to invest thousands of dollars a month into a bunch of complicated tools, and on top of that, hire employees to manage the systems, right?

Well, if this sounds familiar in any way, I have some good news for you.

As an online marketer and blogger myself, I am always looking for new solutions for these everyday challenges we face as business owners.

Today, I am very excited to introduce you to my latest discovery.

GrooveFunnels is, by far, the best way I have found to be able to build websites, sales funnels, and sell digital products online.

The best part? It’s FREE.

But the free value does not end there…

You see, GrooveFunnels is not just a website and sales funnel builder.

The co-founder of GrooveFunnels, Mike Filsaime, is actually a veteran in the Internet marketing space and has put all his experience and expertise into one of the best suites of marketing tools I have ever seen.

I’ve also signed myself up for an account (it’s free), and for the past few days, I’ve had the chance to play around with it.

And you know what?

I can definitely tell you that this 100% free tool is perfectly capable of running your entire business, maybe even better than some of the expensive complicated tools out there.

I’m not exaggerating by any means…

From what I’ve seen so far, GrooveFunnels includes everything that I need to run my online business, all for absolutely free.

Here’s just a quick list of what I’ve gathered so far:

FREE sales, page, and funnel building platform
Ability to create full product funnels
Possible to build my own branded websites with full navigation
Can integrate with my own custom domain name
Able to sell my products with what they call a 1-click upsell
Capability to integrate upsells, downsells, and order bumps
Even has a way to create my own powerful affiliate program for my products!

And that’s just for starters because there is so much more for me to explore!

I’m not even joking when I say that I am planning to change my ENTIRE online business over to GrooveFunnels!

I mean, why wouldn’t I?

It’s FREE, and it’s probably the BEST suite of marketing tools I have ever seen in my life.

By the way, there’s more…

I didn’t even mention some of my favorite benefits of GrooveFunnels.

As a member, I’ve also received a TON of community benefits.

I’ve been able to join their private Facebook group, connect with marketing experts inside, get help with all my problems, access private training within their own academy, ask questions through their helpdesk, and meet other like-minded entrepreneurs just like me to make the best use of these tools.

So, if you’re like me… Striving to grow your business, looking to learn more about marketing, and getting to know some of the best in the industry at a more personal level, then you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity.

Sounds great, right?

But you might be asking… what’s the catch?

The catch is that GrooveFunnels is free, but for a limited time only.

GrooveFunnels is in its pre-launch phase, which means that many of the products have still yet to fully launch.

When they do, and as the products continue to get upgraded, GrooveFunnels may no longer be free anymore.

This means that now is the time to sign up for your free account, which would also qualify you for the additional software upgrades that they make as time goes on.

Awesome deal, right?

It’s called being at the right place, at the right time.

And that’s where we’re at right now 🙂

Don’t wait any longer, because I’m honestly not sure when this free offer is going to go away.

Do yourself a favor and sign up for your free GrooveFunnels account right now, and I will see you inside of the Facebook group.

Click here to sign up now

We have come to the end of today’s session of “Tea with Winner”. Remember to follow me and subscribe to my email list so you can receive the best Tea, gossip, and amazing freebies such as the Freelancer Start-Up Guide. Have a lovely day beautiful people and remember to always keep your face sunny side up


The world of skincare is vast and comprised of many factors. There are different ways to take care of the skin these days, so much so that I struggle to keep up. Due to how wide the skincare area is, we find a lot of people both male and female (because good skin is not an option) buying too many products and ending up with no results.

Obviously, I am here to promote yet another skincare brand and even if you end up not buying the product at least you’ll be entertained for the amount of time I have your attention.

Personally, before the COVID-19 pandemic and lock-down, my skincare routine comprised of soap, water, and some regular body lotion. In all honesty, I knew absolutely nothing about skincare. I was uneducated in that aspect of my life and just in case you are wondering this post is not going to be about how I had awful skin and found this serum and my skin became amazing again and blah blah blah No!

I started this journey to become a better, healthier version of myself. I decided that if for nothing else I was going to survive the pandemic looking so much better.

I love the Derose brand and the vision they present. The Vitamin C Serum+ basically adds a burst of nutrients to your skin giving you a healthy, vibrant and youthful look.

In case you were wondering what exactly this serum can do;

It is proven to lessen wrinkles and fine lines due to its natural collagen production booster.

It helps keep your skin tighter giving you a more youthful appearance

It evens out skin tone and brightens the complexion.

Have I convinced you yet? if so click the link below to purchase your serum now, first time subscribers get a 20% discount and Free Shipping!!

Click here to be redirected to the page

I hope you enjoy this serum and if you still haven’t decided whether or not you want it, let me just tell you that the serum provided the additional benefits of protecting your skin from sun damage, reduces inflammation, and keeps your skin hydrated. Keep in mind that summer is fast approaching and while we would love to get our summer bodies on for hot girl summer, let’s also prepare our skin.

Remember, don’t just eat the nutrients but share them with your skin as well.

For more skincare tips and product reviews ensure you subscribe to my newsletter. I will also make sure to include a Freelance Start-Up guide for all aspiring freelancers. Click here to subscribe now!


The Corona Virus Pandemic and resulting lock-down forced me to evaluate my views on life. It also forced me to stop working, studying, and bustling around. The lock-down which gave me too much time led me to make a series of decisions. With nothing to do with me all day, I decided along with almost everyone reading this to start working out.

I said to myself that if for nothing else I was going to emerge from this Pandemic with a banging hot body, My summer was starting really early. The beginning was hard I mean you’re talking about a girl who hates sports cause she despises sweating and the only sport she designed good enough for her was swimming.

It was the hardest decision to force myself out of bed where I chose to binge-watch Game of Thrones and actually start working on my mental health (which was toast after two weeks at home with my siblings). I looked online and found workout regimens, I had to learn those that worked for me and discard those which did not. Somewhere along my journey, I discovered workout clothes.

I cannot be the only one who worked out during quarantine in random shorts and an old T-shirt right?

Anyway, I discovered workout clothes and fell in love. I finally understood why some women spend hours getting ready to go to the gym, those clothes do amazing things to a woman’s body like…

I found myself a complete novice trying to swim in the ocean when I have never gotten past the shallow end of the pool. Just when I was about to give up I found the brand I am about to tell you about. They are an amazing brand, it is a small business yes, and slightly pricey but totally worth it once to buy and wear the clothes. The leggings shape the booty in the most amazing way leaving you with a prime figure, the best part is the clothes can be converted to outing clothes. All you need to do is to pair them with some accessories and a killer pair of shoes, heels, or sneakers we’re not picky. Whatever works for you.

I am so sure you’re bored with my rambling so let me go ahead. The brand I discovered and absolutely recommend is Miniactivewear.

The website is displayed above but for easy access Click Here

The clothes are light, comfortable and some come in the cutest pattern. I order for you to get the most out of this brand and not break the bank using code Shoniran20 to get 20% off your total purchase. Shipping rate defers per region.

See sample products below;

Have fun shopping!!!

For more activewear tips and product reviews ensure you subscribe to my newsletter and hint: I’ll be giving out freebies so grab yours now.


Hello everyone and welcome!!

The Social Woroscope is a blog I created in order to air my views, opinions and give a voice to underrepresented masses. This blog deals mainly i social media marketing, content creation, blogging and lifestyle. I have a wicked sense of humor which I love to share with my readers. This blog is a personal project for me as it has contributed immensely to my growth. Everything you read on this blog is either from a personal experience I have had or because of its educational impact. I love holidays so you will see me writing and posting about a lot of holidays around the world.

I dabble a bit in affiliate marketing so expect to see some content related to it. I want to share this with you so that those of you who wish to make a little passive income on the side and have no idea where to start will have a firm foundation.

My mission here is to Educate, Inspire and Entertain you because all work and no play makes Winner an extremely boring writer.

So ensure you subscribe to my newsletter here and follow me on this journey