If you’re reading this article then you’re probably considering becoming a social media manager or hire on. You’re here because you are curious to know what the business of social media marketing is all about. You’re a business owner who realized the value of social media during the lockdown and is looking to diversify but first, you want to know what you’re getting into. For the aspiring social media managers, you’re here because honestly, you got to start somewhere. Let’s get into it, shall we?


Social media management is executing a social media strategy across platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and LinkedIn, by creating, scheduling, analyzing, and curating content for these channels. This might be as part of a social media marketing strategy to improve your online reputation or to engage with your community.
Whether your business is located online or not, social media marketing is an essential part of marketing today. Don’t be deceived though, social media marketing involves so much more than posting pictures online. It is a complex job that requires a lot of work and patience because you see; social media marketing involves human understanding, flawless writing, incredible organization, and analytical thinking. It’s not for the faint of heart.


A social media manager, whether working as a consultant, in-house employee, or team member at a social media agency, is a skilled professional at social media marketing, advertising, and management. They help achieve your goals for social media, like growing your following or social media revenue.


I’ve told you what it is, I’ve told you some of the work involved, now I’m going to tell you how to get started.
If you are looking to begin a career as a social media manager, that’s great! There are a lot of courses out there that will teach you everything you need to know on how to be a social media manager. You’ll get some free courses that don’t really tell you anything and paid courses that tell you everything but charge so much you would need to take a loan to pay for it. The truth is some of us who start the journey do it with little to no money in our pockets and end up having to rely on free courses that leave you highly unprepared to venture into the social media marketing world.

I have a solution for all of you who fall into the category above. A course actually, yes I know but before you come for me give me a minute ok? The course is called Social Media United and before you think she’s going to sell us a course here’s the kicker it’s free! This course was created by Rachel Pederson (the queen of social media) and is designed to help those looking to venture into the career of social media management. It is very detailed and tells you everything you need to know about being a social media manager. It also gives you free tools and resources at the end of the course that you can use to kickstart your business. The course was created in 2017 so you might not see all the current trends such as TikTok but the information is so useful you won’t regret it. All it involves is you investing your time and that’s it! Amazing right? You can sign up for it and join the SMU crew!


1. Cost: No your marketing budget, social media management is a cost-effective initiative because a bill is drawn up according to what you want to get done. What do I mean? If you need help creating graphics and content you can go to Fiverr or Upwork and look for someone. Their rates are very affordable so you don’t have to bankrupt your business if you do not have the funds to pay for a social media manager. Even advertising offers a profitable channel for reaching your audience and building an online following. You could also hire a social media manager on Upwork or Fiverr as well.

2. Reach: Using social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn, you can connect to users all over the world and find your target customers. You can also use social media platforms like Pinterest to find niche audiences. This works for both online and physical businesses because it opens you up to so many people and helps them discover your business and products. This is very important guys, if you’re wondering why your business isn’t growing even though it is online the answer is very simple, you are not leveraging social media the way you are supposed to if you want to see results.

3. Users: This subheading is most likely a question mark for you guys cause you’re wondering how is this relevant? Hear me out first. Incorporating social media into your marketing strategy allows you to align your marketing initiatives with consumer behavior. For example, 74% of people use social media when making purchasing decisions. You most likely do it too, before you buy a product you go online and research about it. You ask your friends if they have used the product and if yes ask them about their experience.


As you know there are a number of social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest, Quora, Reddit, etc. I advise you to have knowledge of all these platforms but at the same time, do NOT work on all of them. Choose a minimum of one and a maximum of three and master those platforms. For example, you can choose Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and that’s it. You do not need to divide yourself across all these platforms because the result would be you getting burned out and having little to no clients.


As a social media manager, you are going to learn and understand the value of having tools that make your work easier. There are a lot of paid and free options out there as well as options with easy navigation and those that have learning curves. I am giving you the best-recommended tools for social media managers and small business owners to help keep track of their online presence and boost content creation. I am giving you paid and unpaid tools to help you schedule content, create content, respond to comments, and more.

A few of the best social media tools include:

1. Coschedule: This is a paid tool but I tell you it is so worth it because not only does it help you schedule content but it helps you create content calendars, publish blog posts and write amazing high-converting headlines. They also have an academy that teaches you everything you need to know as a social media manager. If you are not ready to make the investment, you can take advantage of their free resources and read their blog posts. Not only are they saturated in content, but they also have free pdfs, and templates you can use to build a sustainable business. So head on over to Coschedule and sign up for their newsletter or pay for a membership.

2. Buffer: This is another tool you can use to schedule posts on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. It can help you establish a posting schedule and create a cohesive feed on Instagram. You can check them out at Buffer and explore what they have to offer.

3. Tailwind: Yes, you guessed it right, another tool to help you schedule social media posts. Yes, I have mentioned scheduling posts a lot and that is because it is very important. In order to grow on Instagram, you are required to post every day and engage as well. Imagine how hard it is to post every day and not forget! It’s bad enough you have to create a ton of content so why not make life easier for you with a nice handy scheduling tool? I mean really it beats and do you want to know the best part about this particular tool? It has a free plan! Yes, we looove freebies. With the free plan, you can do so get creative. Make sure you check out Tailwind and make the smart decision.


After all the information I gave you above this must be the question on your mind right now. If you checked out Rachel Pederson’s Social Media United course great job you obviously want this and if not go ahead and check it out since you’re not investing any money.

The first step to becoming a social media manager is to choose your niche. What is a niche? Well, this is an area of expertise or specialization. There are so many industries, are you going to offer your services to all of them? No honey don’t I absolutely advise against that. You can choose to niche into fashion, fitness, skincare, cosmetics so many ideas but I advise you to pick something you are interested in and that is profitable cause let’s face it some niches aren’t. After picking a niche, you are going to decide who your target audience is, who do you want to cater to? Is it small business owners, coaches, personal trainers? What is their gender? What is their pain point? Are they trying to get more clients or increase their social media followers? These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself when deciding on a target audience.

The second step is to learn, learn, learn! You cannot ask someone to pay you if you do not have the skills to deliver. Visit SMU and take the course. It will not give you all the information you need as a social media in today’s world but it will give you a firm foundation.

The next step is to choose your social media platforms. Recall that I said you cannot be on all the platforms at once. Why? because you’ll end up doing sloppy work and leaving your clients highly unsatisfied. An easy way to choose a platform is to look at the persona you developed for your target audience, where do they spend their time? That’s how you pick a platform.

The next step is to develop a social media strategy. This is an action plan where you map out your goals for creating content, your brand voice and so much more. I will write a post dedicated to this topic so you have an in-depth knowledge of it and how to create it.
I know I keep saying it but, the next step is to design your social media profiles. Notice that I did not say create, well the reason is simple. You most likely already have a social media profile and if you choose a platform where you do not have one listen carefully. When you create or update your social media profile, it is essential that they fit with your brand. You need to make sure that you capture your brand and what you do clearly. Your profile picture should be clear and professional, no one is asking you to take a passport headshot but make sure your face is clear unless you intend to separate yourself from your brand, then you can use a logo as your profile picture.

You’ve chosen your niche, identified your target audience, built your social media strategy, and built your profile. Now, it is time for your to build your social media content calendar. This is an important tool for a social media manager because it serves as a reference point for you. In your content calendar which would include the current month, you can view scheduled posts for your social media accounts. The calendar can also help you plan your social media posts so instead of having to come up with content ideas from scratch use the calendar instead.

Well, this was a long one, and if you stayed to the end awesome! As a treat, you get freebies from me! I am giving you guys a free niche worksheet that you can use to identify your niche. I am giving you an Ideal Customer/Target Audience Worksheet you can use to identify your target customer and as a bonus, you also get a content calendar!

Have a great day or night depending on when you’re reading this and remember to keep your face Sunnyside up.

Hey! Do you realize that October 1st is world smile day?

Confession time guys, I have no idea what World Smile Day is. If this is you raise your hands and keep reading. I have no idea of the origin of the holiday or how to even celebrate it. If this is you, don’t worry I’ve got the answers you seek.

World Smile Day is a holiday that is built on sentiment and on the basis of kindness. Before I go into detail on the holiday itself, let’s take a walk to the past.

In 1963, Harvey Ball, a graphic artist and ad man from Worcester, Massachusetts, created the smiley face symbol/emoji we’ve all come to know and love. This symbol became increasingly popular and throughout the years the smiley face has become one of the most well-known symbols in the world.

Because of its overuse, it started to move away from its intent of goodwill and good cheer and became more of a commercial symbol. Harvey Ball was not happy with this development as he was afraid that the commercialization of the smiley face would lessen its impact.

In 1999, World Smile Day became an official holiday. This day was set aside as one where people would smile and perform simple acts of kindness around the world. Harvey wanted to keep the smile connected to human beings by doing so, you’d smile and in return make someone else smile and brighten up their day.


This is a very special holiday much like Christmas but not Christmas. To celebrate this holiday you can do the following;

1. An act of kindness
You do not have to buy someone a car or build a house for someone to do this. In fact, you do not even need to give money away to perform an act of kindness. You can help that old lady cross the street, you can help that harried mother juggling three kids and several bags of groceries. You can help that little girl who’s looking for her mom, you can help that little boy get his kite out of a tree. Big or small, it does not matter all you have to do is perform an act of kindness to put a smile on someone’s face.

2. Follow your dreams
I am sure you all have a question in your head that goes what? Yes, I said follow your dreams. You have bills to pay, children to feed, college debts to reimburse. You have a job that you hate but it pays well, you’re depressed, sad, and frustrated. You need a reason to smile but you’re struggling to find one. I am here to tell you to take this day for you and allow yourself to dream and follow your dreams. Pick up that paintbrush that lies forgotten, pull out that guitar you couldn’t pawn off, open that journal you’ve abandoned for a while and just do something. This is one day where you are allowed to be you! Everyone deserves to have a smile on their face and you are not an exception.

3. Volunteer
This holiday is also about giving back so go to that children’s shelter that is understaffed and help them out. Do something charitable outside of your everyday life that has enlightening effects on you and your community. What are you going to give back on this day? Who are you going to impact? What change will you make in your community? These are the questions you need to ask yourself on this day.


Research has shown that children smile an average of 400 times per day, compared to the average happy adult who smiles 40-50 times per day and the typical adult who smiles only 20 times per day.

Looking at the pattern above, I know some of you are going to argue that children have fewer worries so they can afford to smile more and I agree but let’s also be honest with ourselves. Frowning is not going to make that problem go away or make you feel better about yourself. But, when you smile the following things happen to your body;

1. Your blood pressure reduces
2. You have increased endurance (I don’t know how this works but a scientist said it does so..)
3. Reduced pain
4. Your stress levels reduce
5. Your immune system is strengthened.
6. It reduces wrinkles and makes you look more attractive.
7. It helps you stay positive and keeps you from overthinking.

Studies have shown that people who smile appear more likable, courteous, and competent, they also tend to be more productive at work and make more money. Cha-ching!

I hope you all enjoyed reading, our quote of the day is as follows;
“A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles – William Hazlitt”

So as you go out today, perform a good deed, start a daily routine, be kind to someone. Give someone a smile because sometimes it can save a life and mend a broken soul.

Happy World Smile Day everyone!

Hey you, yes you! Did you know today is National hair day?

Did you know that in Africa a woman’s hair is considered to be her crowning glory? There are so many different beauty trends that have taken place over the years but do you know the one thing they have in common? They always involve hair!

The hair movement has spanned for years and seen many different styles from India to Europe to the US to the UK to Africa; there have been so many different hair evolutions that it would fill a lot of books. In my biased opinion, the greatest hair evolution which has survived to this day is the Afro-Hair evolution.

This evolution not only encouraged women of African descent to take pride in their natural hair but also became a movement. This evolution empowered African men and women alike and created a new era for all.

I wish I had her head of hair

Since the time when kings and emperors ruled, women have been obsessed with their hair. Cleopatra, one of (if not the greatest) Egyptian rulers washed her hair daily with donkey’s milk! In today’s world, hair is high maintenance, women are willing to spend thousands if not millions on their hair why? Because how you wear your hair makes a statement about you.

National hair day is a holiday created by NuMe a hair products company. They created this holiday for people to celebrate hair styling tools and other hair products but it has quickly evolved to the celebration of the hair itself. The holiday was first established in 2017 and has since been celebrated.

This holiday is actually a US holiday but common, who doesn’t love their hair? A person can wear the most expensive clothes and jewelry but if their hair is not done or doesn’t look nice then they might as well have walked in in rags. On the flip side, your clothes and jewelry might not be expensive but your hairdo will help you look expensive. That is the psychology we girls use to save our money and look like we broke the bank on one outfit.

How to Celebrate National Hair Day.

This is the part you were probably waiting for and I will not lie when I first heard of this holiday that I did not even know existed but don’t worry I have the answers you seek.

The first way you can celebrate National Hair Day is to try a new hairstyle. Now for anyone who is currently on braids or has a weave in, don’t take it out on my account unless you really want to. It doesn’t have to be something daring just switch it up a little.

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new

The second way is actually for all those girls with crazy long and healthy hair, I also have my eyes in African with amazingly full afros I see you girl. The second tip is to share your secret hair tips, so if you’ve been hoarding the secret to your hair growth today is the day for you to spill.

My hair growth journey has actually been amazing, my hair is not long but I am satisfied at the rate at which it is growing but I do not want to get off track. If you want me to share my hair growth journey with you please feel free to send me an email at

Identifying your hair type will help you take better care of it!

The third way is for you to give your hair some TLC spoil yourself. Invest in that expensive shampoo you don’t want to buy but know it will do wonders for your hair, pamper yourself because if you do not no one will. Love and care are reciprocated so only when you love and care for yourself will someone do for you.

Benefits of Having Healthy Hair

1. It boosts your self-confidence
Male or female, it really doesn’t matter because everyone wants to look their best when they go out in public. No one wants to be laughed at or stared at in a bad way. They want people to look at them with envy which is why it is important to have good hair. A good head of hair can do wonders in covering the physical flaws of a person.

Take a look at that happy and confident smile

2. It prevents premature hair loss
Do you know that before I was enlightened on hair growth and started taking care of my hair I used to think it was normal for me to run a comb through my hair and find large chunks of hair on the comb? I am sure you’re like what but I kid you not I was that blank on hair care. Even if you know everything there is to know about this topic still share this content with someone who you think needs it.

If this is you, then you need to start taking better care of your hair

3. It is a reflection of one’s health
I agree with this statement a 100% of the hair grows from the scalp and the scalp is attached to the body. If you do not have good health no matter how many hair products you pack on your head it will not help! In fact, in some cases, it can even damage the roots of the hair rendering you bald.

Diet plays a huge role In not only giving you healthy hair but determining your hair texture as well. Unhealthy, dry, and frizzy hair may be a side that you need to change either your diet or your haircare routine.

A good diet and hair care routine will do wonders for your hair

This about rounds up our article, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. Our quote of the day is as follows;
“A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life – Coco Chanel”

Comment below how this quote resonates with you and if you feel comfortable sharing it, tell us what change you will be making in your life. It does not have to be something drastic, changing your shampoo and deep conditioner is considered a change as well.

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month

Remember, a woman’s hair is her crowning glory but a woman’s hair does not define who she is or her capabilities. Having no hair does not make her less of a woman or less attractive. Growing one’s hair is a choice not a necessity.

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month so please show some kindness and support because it goes a long way.

Who loves coffee? cause guess what? it’s international coffee day!

Personally, I do not drink coffee which is weird considering I am so excited about this holiday but I love the smell of coffee weird right? A lot of people are of the mind that the discovery of coffee is one of the most important discoveries in human history.

In a way, I kind of agree with them but not completely because while coffee is an amazing and healthy energy boost it is also addictive and people find themselves unable to function during the day without first having a cup of coffee or two.

Looks Delicious

International Coffee Day is an occasion that is used to celebrate and promote coffee as a beverage. This holiday was first approved on the 1st of October 2015 by the International Coffee Organization. This day is used to promote the fair trade of coffee and raise awareness for the plight of coffee growers.

Health Benefits of Coffee

Now I do not drink coffee by choice but that does not mean I am going to stop anyone from drinking. So why don’t we dive into these benefits;

1. Coffee can improve energy levels and make you smarter
How you wonder? Well, this is because coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine. This stimulant washes away your exhaustion and leaves you feeling refreshed.

2. Coffee can help you burn fat
This has got to be the easiest weight loss method ever like wow! I am not overweight but even I want to drink coffee now, if for nothing else then to increase my metabolism. It will definitely save me my trips to the gym.

If only I looked this graceful doing this particular exercise

3. Coffee contains essential nutrients
Did you know that a single cup of coffee contains vitamin B2, vitamin B5, Manganese and potassium, and, vitamin B3? Amazing right? I agree.

4. A cup of coffee a day may lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes
I am even going to lie at this point I’m starting to feel a bit depressed, are you sure I shouldn’t start drinking coffee?

This could be me really soon

5. Coffee may protect you from Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia.

6. Coffee may lower your risk of contracting Parkinson’s disease

7. Coffee may protect your liver and reduce the risk of you getting cirrhosis

8. Coffee is the biggest source of antioxidants in the Western diet.

I hope you all enjoyed this article and learned something from it, our quote for the day is
“Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after – Anne Morrow Lindbergh”

What do you guys think? Do you agree? Let me know in the comment section below. If you are interested in collaborating or guest posting please do send me an email at

Today is International Coffee Day so share a cup of coffee with someone and make them smile


The world of skincare is vast and unlike popular opinion, the concept of skincare is not only to make you look prettier (though it’s an added bonus) or have glowing skin (still a plus). Do you know that a good skincare routine can help prevent skin cancer?

A good skincare routine can reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and sun damage as one grows older. It will not halt the aging process but it will definitely go a long way. It can also manage some more minor skin concerns such as dry/oily skin.

Having a skin-care routine can also be beneficial to your mental health – In what way you ask? Having a routine may help you realize how easy it can be to do nice things for your body and build healthy habits. It can also give you a sense of control and calm as you do it.


As you begin this journey, there are certain things you need to know and understand, the first being that it is important to know your skin type. It is also important to know your reason for starting the journey, do you have any major skin concerns you want to address such as acne, dark spots, psoriasis? Or do you want better and healthier skin, these questions will go a long way and make things easier for you.

To help you determine your skin type, think about how your skin reacts without any makeup or products on it a few hours after taking a shower. If it gets a little greasy or shiny you most likely have oily skin and if it feels dry you have dry skin. If you have dry skin in some places and oily skin in others then you have something called “combination” skin and if you have neither, you’re considered to have “normal” skin.

If your skin tends to get irritated when you use certain products or if you’ve ever had an allergic reaction to a product or certain skin conditions e.g. eczema you may have sensitive skin. If you still are not sure, then I would recommend you see a dermatologist.

The basic steps of a skincare routine are cleansing, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen.

Best Skincare Brands To Check out Now!


Derived from the word “soulfully” and pronounced “softly”. Soffli is a US-based skincare brand that launched with this intent to provide mindful skincare products where there’s a deliberate purpose behind every single element so your skin gets everything it needs and nothing it doesn’t. They are a Leaping Bunny-certified cruelty-free and PETA-certified animal-test-free and Vegan brand.
Soffli is a non for profit brand committed to donating 100% of all profits to charities that work on supporting basic health needs for all, with a focus on underserved groups such as minorities, women, children, and animals.

I love their skincare products because not only is it clean, fresh, and quality but it is 100% natural and well suited to the needs of my skin. Their face mask is so hydrating and does the double function of detoxifying my skin leaving me with a healthy glow. The brand has only four products that makeup one’s entire skincare routine. Their products are pocket-friendly and worth it. I encourage you to try out this brand, click here to view the products and buy now!


This is a natural skincare brand founded in 2006 by Chris and Mary Mitchell. The brand was created with a view to making a skincare product that is well suited for sensitive and dry skin. Green Angel’s products have a holistic approach that leaves the whole body revitalized and enriched. Their products are both luxurious and natural and are made with the finest ingredients. Green Angel is not primarily a skincare brand but also specializes in hair and body care. Our focus, however, is on their skincare game.

My all-time favorite amongst their skincare products is their Seaweed and Collagen Face Cream. This cream has done wonders for my face giving me a smooth and clear glow that makes my heart sing not to mention the fact that the healing and restorative properties in this cream are amazing!

The primary ingredient is collagen and for those of you, who do not know, collagen is a powerful protein that is found in our body and helps to keep the skin supple and vibrant but as one ages the amount of collagen in their body reduces leading to wrinkles and fine lines. This extra burst of collagen will not only help increase skin elasticity but also slow down the rate of water loss and helps keep the skin supple.

The face cream also contains four types of hand-harvested organic Irish seaweed which contains vitamins and minerals. Seaweed contains vitamins A and C. It is also rich in potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, and iron. Seaweed is also enriched with Vitamin E which can help improve fine lines and wrinkles by providing a boost that helps the healthy growth of new skin cells. Green Angel also uses an organic blend of root and flower extract to soothe, tone, and brighten your spirit.

Have I managed to convince you? Head on over to their website and if you’re not sure buy the Seaweed and Collagen face cream cause at least you already have a clear-cut review on it. Still not sure what product you should use?
Keep reading down below.


You must be surprised aback by this new addition and yes I was too when I heard of it. Not only did it sound like a pharmaceutical company but it also sounds like its products contain a lot of synthetic but I am here to put your fears to rest.

Every product of DR.AV is derived from natural sources with traceable origins (what do I mean?) every element of DR.AV is recognizable and edible. They combine natural ingredients from the right sources to provide the most effective benefit for your skin perfect for any beginner to skincare.

Their products are made in small quantities so don’t expect a huge bottle of serum to arrive at your doorstep once you’ve placed your order. A bit of warning though, their products are a bit pricey but honestly worth it a 100%

For my readers who want to begin their journey to healthier, less wrinkled, and moisturized skin I suggest you try out their Transformational Anti-Aging bundle, it has a peppermint espresso scrub that simultaneously exfoliates and moisturizes. Its major ingredients which are sugar, coffee, and Himalayan pink salt removes dead skin cells and promote cellular regeneration. The cream leaves you with a healthier, glowing, revitalized, and fresh look after a single treatment, and on the plus side; it is non-comedogenic, vegan, and allergen-free. A 10 out of 10 for me.

The second is the Day serum which is designed to attack dark spots and wrinkles, reduces inflammation, and encourages cell rejuvenation to leave your skin smooth and glowing. Seriously guys you need to try this out you’ll love it.

Last but certainly not least is the Hand serum, it is the perfect blend of face and sunscreen. It penetrates the skin fast leaving it soft and moisturized but not greasy, it’s unique components help reduce UV-induced hyperpigmentation and creates a protective layer that lasts several hours.
I could go on and on about all of their products but instead, I encourage you to try them out yourself but please be guided and know not only your skin type but also any allergies you might have. Click here to buy your bundle now!



I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself but excuse me and I am glad you’ve read this far trust me when I started out I spent hours poring over several skincare articles looking for the perfect solution for my skin and I’m glad to say it paid off.

Skin Inc is a North American skincare and beauty company that fuses the latest technology, decades of skin-aging research, and your current environmental and lifestyle factors to determine what your skin really needs.

All of their serums boast proprietary encapsulation technology from Japan and these caviar-inspired capsules protect pure ingredients from exposure to light and oxidation, keeping them fresh and potent till the moment they are used on your skin helping you achieve maximum results.

Everything I just said up there is a background story plain and simple and now that I’ve given you the introduction, let me lead you to the “tea”.

To be honest, I have no idea where to start or what products to review for you because they are so much and that good. I will however encourage you to go to their website over here and check out what they have to offer based on your skin type or problem.

We all know I can’t leave yet (not like that) so let me introduce you to Pure Deepsea Hydrating Overnight Mask. It is a unique sleep-in transparent gel mask that hydrates clarifies, and brightens skin all in a single step. The mask contains nutrient-rich deepsea water, soya bean extracts, and hyaluronic acid for an easy-to-use, luxurious daily treatment for your skin (thank me later). On the plus side, it is great for use while traveling or when you’re on the go. It also seals in nutrients from other skincare products encouraging actual results.

Check out their website and show your skin some love.

We have come to the end of today’s session of “Tea with Winner” a top takeaway from today is, don’t put your needs on the bench just because you are afraid to try something new. You’re never going to be able to score a goal until you take a shot and your skin is never going to get better until you take the necessary actions to make it do. You are encouraged to subscribe to my newsletter for more skincare tips, tricks, myths, and facts. I will also be giving out freebies so you don’t want to miss this. Have a lovely day beautiful people and remember to always keep your face sunny side up.


Hello everyone and welcome to yet another fun, informative, and emotionally disturbing blog post from Clothing and Jewelry, Best deals and discounts (I should really consider changing that name any ideas? Comment below or send me an email J)

I’m sure you’re all very intrigued by this headline trust me so am I cause I have no clue if what I’m going to tell you is useful information or copy and paste from someone else’s blog but let’s ride on shall we?

 Let me start off with an introduction for my new visitors who have no idea. My name is Winner (yes I know) and I own this blog. Contrary to what most people think, this blog is actually not new, you see I started this blog in 2016 and at the time I only had one person following my blog who was my dad (I love him so much).

 I cannot remember the exact reason I started the blog but I do remember that I was in 10th grade at the time and lacked the understanding of the word plagiarism. I started this blog intending it to be a news and entertainment blog and this is the kicker. In order for me to get content for the blog, I subscribed to E-News and whenever I saw something I liked there or a featured story I would go to the website, I would copy every single thing on the website, I would paste and then edit the ads that came along with it and post not changing a single thing, not even the pictures.

 That sounds awful right? Yes, I agree. I got bored with everything and just sort of abandoned the bog until this year when I came upon it by chance and looked at it through the eyes of a properly educated young woman. I WAS MORTIFIED!! I immediately deleted all of the content of the blog and decided to give it a facelift (trust me it doesn’t look like much now but it looks so much better compared to before). I did all the editing and once I was done prettying up the blog then came the part I probably should have considered from the very beginning. What am I going to write about?

 I don’t know about a lot of people but for me, this was the hardest part, technology and companies like WordPress make it so easy to start a blog at no added cost that one forgets that what really matters is the content of the blog. I found myself stuck in between a rock and a hard place. I did what every teenager and person with access to the internet would do, I took my problem to Google. I started researching and discovered that I had to find a niche, one where my focus would be and while that is undoubtedly smart I found it to be boring, I mean that’s like you taking me to an ice-cream shop and telling me to get only one flavor of ice-cream or to get vanilla. Why have just one when you can have two or three flavors?

This is why my welcome message talks about different niches (is this correct?). I and human beings generally are made up of different facets and that’s what makes us unique. I took a risk and decided to try everything I was interested in, now I just had to create content based on what I chose as my niche.

You probably shouldn’t take advice from me cause trust me when I tell you it is still a work in progress. I find that I can spend hours obsessing over what to write and don’t even get me started on the headlines, apparently, my headlines so far have been bland, why is life so complicated?

So I’m going to round up here cause I just cannot be ranting on the internet and if you’ve read this far and are wondering what I am saying and what point I’m supposed to be making I’m so sorry for confusing you but basically the hardest part of starting a blog is creating content for that blog. As an extra tip, do you know how they say you can start a blog for free? It’s a bloody lie designed to lull you into a false sense of security. You’ll only realize it when you want to grow your following and reach and you suddenly have to buy a plan to look more professional. Life really is not balanced

We have come to the end of today’s session of “Tea with Winner” let me know if you want part two of this topic cause trust me I have a long list that I would love to share with all of you. Remember to subscribe to my newsletter so you can receive the best Tea, gossip, and freebies. Have a lovely day beautiful people and remember to always keep your face sunny side up.


Hello, my lovelies welcome to another session of “Tea with Winner” I hope you’re all having an amazing day because I am (you see, I got stood up today but that’s a story for another time).

 As much as I feel like pulling your legs I’m not going to do that because I understand the drive to earn money and escape a 9-5 job. Trust me it’s my life goal to escape having one of those. I would like to point out right now that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it is not a business for extremely lazy people (at least in the beginning).

 This article is for all those who probably find themselves stuck in a 9-5 they want to escape; it is for all those who want a side hustle to supplement their income and for teenagers who want to get college tuition so they don’t end up with millions in college loan debt.

 Alright, now that we’re done reading the warnings and let me just say if you’re still reading to this point you’re awesome and obviously serious about earning money online.

In this day and age, any business that wants to thrive must go online.

With so many things going on around the world, and global changes that will forever impact the way people live and do business, going online is no longer just an option.

Not only to maintain their success but even just to survive.

Sure, some tools are already available that any business can use to run their entire company and processes digitally.

However, any minimum amount of research will tell you that most of these products are expensive, complicated, and limited in customization.

In other words, not very user-friendly, and definitely not suitable for all business owners, especially those who are less tech-savvy and might even be on a budget.

I mean, who can afford to invest thousands of dollars a month into a bunch of complicated tools, and on top of that, hire employees to manage the systems, right?

Well, if this sounds familiar in any way, I have some good news for you.

As an online marketer and blogger myself, I am always looking for new solutions for these everyday challenges we face as business owners.

Today, I am very excited to introduce you to my latest discovery.

GrooveFunnels is, by far, the best way I have found to be able to build websites, sales funnels, and sell digital products online.

The best part? It’s FREE.

But the free value does not end there…

You see, GrooveFunnels is not just a website and sales funnel builder.

The co-founder of GrooveFunnels, Mike Filsaime, is actually a veteran in the Internet marketing space and has put all his experience and expertise into one of the best suites of marketing tools I have ever seen.

I’ve also signed myself up for an account (it’s free), and for the past few days, I’ve had the chance to play around with it.

And you know what?

I can definitely tell you that this 100% free tool is perfectly capable of running your entire business, maybe even better than some of the expensive complicated tools out there.

I’m not exaggerating by any means…

From what I’ve seen so far, GrooveFunnels includes everything that I need to run my online business, all for absolutely free.

Here’s just a quick list of what I’ve gathered so far:

FREE sales, page, and funnel building platform
Ability to create full product funnels
Possible to build my own branded websites with full navigation
Can integrate with my own custom domain name
Able to sell my products with what they call a 1-click upsell
Capability to integrate upsells, downsells, and order bumps
Even has a way to create my own powerful affiliate program for my products!

And that’s just for starters because there is so much more for me to explore!

I’m not even joking when I say that I am planning to change my ENTIRE online business over to GrooveFunnels!

I mean, why wouldn’t I?

It’s FREE, and it’s probably the BEST suite of marketing tools I have ever seen in my life.

By the way, there’s more…

I didn’t even mention some of my favorite benefits of GrooveFunnels.

As a member, I’ve also received a TON of community benefits.

I’ve been able to join their private Facebook group, connect with marketing experts inside, get help with all my problems, access private training within their own academy, ask questions through their helpdesk, and meet other like-minded entrepreneurs just like me to make the best use of these tools.

So, if you’re like me… Striving to grow your business, looking to learn more about marketing, and getting to know some of the best in the industry at a more personal level, then you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity.

Sounds great, right?

But you might be asking… what’s the catch?

The catch is that GrooveFunnels is free, but for a limited time only.

GrooveFunnels is in its pre-launch phase, which means that many of the products have still yet to fully launch.

When they do, and as the products continue to get upgraded, GrooveFunnels may no longer be free anymore.

This means that now is the time to sign up for your free account, which would also qualify you for the additional software upgrades that they make as time goes on.

Awesome deal, right?

It’s called being at the right place, at the right time.

And that’s where we’re at right now 🙂

Don’t wait any longer, because I’m honestly not sure when this free offer is going to go away.

Do yourself a favor and sign up for your free GrooveFunnels account right now, and I will see you inside of the Facebook group.

Click here to sign up now

We have come to the end of today’s session of “Tea with Winner”. Remember to follow me and subscribe to my email list so you can receive the best Tea, gossip, and amazing freebies such as the Freelancer Start-Up Guide. Have a lovely day beautiful people and remember to always keep your face sunny side up


For those of you who know this woman and her brand I know what you’re thinking and the truth is you’re probably right but I can’t help myself I just have to do it

A Make-up Evolution

I love make-up, all things make-up and skincare is right up my alley but you know what? I don’t wear make-up or if I do it’s minimal. What point am I trying to make here? well, we’ll get to that eventually but first I have to tell you a story which at the time was extremely embarrassing but now I can laugh about it with no problem.

This event took place when I was a pre-teen, I had just discovered puberty and was shocked with the realization that I really was a girl (cause I had my doubts for years). I remember this day vividly, I was watching TV and a commercial came on, it was a Charlotte Tilbury commercial one of those where they show the before and after.

Now I saw this model sitting in the makeup chair and please don’t be offended and in my defense, I was a child, and disclaimer I am not racist and I am dark-skinned. Anyway, I saw this black model sitting on the makeup chair and I thought she was really ugly. I watched how the makeup transformed her face and took her from looking “ugly” to “stunning”. Now I am not saying makeup is the answer to all your problems mind you and reminder I am telling this story from the perspective of a 12-year-old.

At the end of the commercial I felt so inspired and convinced that I was ugly I decided to do something about it. I snuck into my mother’s room while she was taking a nap and picked her makeup bag. I started sorting through it in my room while I tried to figure out what was used in the commercial to make the model so beautiful.

I picked up my mother’s razor and proceeded to shave off all of my eyebrows, honestly, I cannot believe I am telling this story but it’s too late to turn back now. I started applying makeup on my face convinced I was a professional might I add that I did not use a mirror at all. My mother’s makeup bag certainly didn’t look like the pictures below.

This is the most embarrassing part of the story, when I was done “prettying myself up” I got up and went outside to meet my friends as well as show off my new and improved face to my crush at the time. Needless to say, I never lived that down, the pain and the embarrassment was so much but you know what? That wasn’t even the worst part, the icing on the cake came after my mum had yelled at me and cleaned all that makeup off my face I still had to go to school with no eyebrows. That was not a good time for me and thankfully we moved out of that neighborhood shortly afterward.

I’m sure you’re laughing your asses off and honestly so am I but trust your girl that was not the last embarrassing moment she had oh no I could write a book on it all.

What I’m trying to say here is don’t be afraid to be the best version of yourself you can be. There’s nothing wrong with you wanting to buy expensive makeup (cause Charlotte Tilbury is definitely not cheap) as long as you know how to apply it. You don’t even have to buy makeup cause the skincare products made by this brand are amazing, so what if you don’t want to invest in makeup then buy skincare products. Because healthy skin is all the rage these days.

So, what are you waiting for beautiful people click here to purchase your new skincare and or makeup? And remember, society might dictate their choice but you have the money to either conform or stand out.

Love you guys, come back for more tips, suggestions, and embarrassing childhood stories, and make sure you subscribe to my newsletter so you don’t miss anything


The world of skincare is vast and comprised of many factors. There are different ways to take care of the skin these days, so much so that I struggle to keep up. Due to how wide the skincare area is, we find a lot of people both male and female (because good skin is not an option) buying too many products and ending up with no results.

Obviously, I am here to promote yet another skincare brand and even if you end up not buying the product at least you’ll be entertained for the amount of time I have your attention.

Personally, before the COVID-19 pandemic and lock-down, my skincare routine comprised of soap, water, and some regular body lotion. In all honesty, I knew absolutely nothing about skincare. I was uneducated in that aspect of my life and just in case you are wondering this post is not going to be about how I had awful skin and found this serum and my skin became amazing again and blah blah blah No!

I started this journey to become a better, healthier version of myself. I decided that if for nothing else I was going to survive the pandemic looking so much better.

I love the Derose brand and the vision they present. The Vitamin C Serum+ basically adds a burst of nutrients to your skin giving you a healthy, vibrant and youthful look.

In case you were wondering what exactly this serum can do;

It is proven to lessen wrinkles and fine lines due to its natural collagen production booster.

It helps keep your skin tighter giving you a more youthful appearance

It evens out skin tone and brightens the complexion.

Have I convinced you yet? if so click the link below to purchase your serum now, first time subscribers get a 20% discount and Free Shipping!!

Click here to be redirected to the page

I hope you enjoy this serum and if you still haven’t decided whether or not you want it, let me just tell you that the serum provided the additional benefits of protecting your skin from sun damage, reduces inflammation, and keeps your skin hydrated. Keep in mind that summer is fast approaching and while we would love to get our summer bodies on for hot girl summer, let’s also prepare our skin.

Remember, don’t just eat the nutrients but share them with your skin as well.

For more skincare tips and product reviews ensure you subscribe to my newsletter. I will also make sure to include a Freelance Start-Up guide for all aspiring freelancers. Click here to subscribe now!


The Corona Virus Pandemic and resulting lock-down forced me to evaluate my views on life. It also forced me to stop working, studying, and bustling around. The lock-down which gave me too much time led me to make a series of decisions. With nothing to do with me all day, I decided along with almost everyone reading this to start working out.

I said to myself that if for nothing else I was going to emerge from this Pandemic with a banging hot body, My summer was starting really early. The beginning was hard I mean you’re talking about a girl who hates sports cause she despises sweating and the only sport she designed good enough for her was swimming.

It was the hardest decision to force myself out of bed where I chose to binge-watch Game of Thrones and actually start working on my mental health (which was toast after two weeks at home with my siblings). I looked online and found workout regimens, I had to learn those that worked for me and discard those which did not. Somewhere along my journey, I discovered workout clothes.

I cannot be the only one who worked out during quarantine in random shorts and an old T-shirt right?

Anyway, I discovered workout clothes and fell in love. I finally understood why some women spend hours getting ready to go to the gym, those clothes do amazing things to a woman’s body like…

I found myself a complete novice trying to swim in the ocean when I have never gotten past the shallow end of the pool. Just when I was about to give up I found the brand I am about to tell you about. They are an amazing brand, it is a small business yes, and slightly pricey but totally worth it once to buy and wear the clothes. The leggings shape the booty in the most amazing way leaving you with a prime figure, the best part is the clothes can be converted to outing clothes. All you need to do is to pair them with some accessories and a killer pair of shoes, heels, or sneakers we’re not picky. Whatever works for you.

I am so sure you’re bored with my rambling so let me go ahead. The brand I discovered and absolutely recommend is Miniactivewear.

The website is displayed above but for easy access Click Here

The clothes are light, comfortable and some come in the cutest pattern. I order for you to get the most out of this brand and not break the bank using code Shoniran20 to get 20% off your total purchase. Shipping rate defers per region.

See sample products below;

Have fun shopping!!!

For more activewear tips and product reviews ensure you subscribe to my newsletter and hint: I’ll be giving out freebies so grab yours now.